First Christian Church
Disiples of Christ

Exile Nineteen

Jan 19, 2021 | Exile Blog | 0 comments

By the Waters of Babylon – Ps 137:1

As we enter yet another month of necessary, but uncomfortable, isolation, I wonder about the solidarity of our church communities. Our unity is mirrored and edified by our participation, with Jesus, in the joy and strengthening of the Eucharist (Communion, Lord’s Supper, Mass – whatever you want to call it). No matter the amount of good preaching, or community service, or care for each other – our unifying act is our celebration of the sacred meal with Our Lord and each other.

When we gather around the table (literally or figuratively) and break bread together, we are transformed not only individually, but also as a community. We are people of different ages and races, with different backgrounds and histories. Even in our diversity, we become one body. Paul says, “As there is one loaf, so we, although there are many of us, are one single body, for we all share in the one loaf.” (I Cor. 10:17)

Not only as individuals but also as a community, we become the living Christ, taken, blessed, broken, and given to the world. As one body, we become a living witness of God’s immense desire to bring all peoples and nations together in the one family of God.

By partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ, we become the living Christ and we are enabled to discover our own chosen-ness and blessedness, acknowledge our brokenness, and trust that all we live we live for others. Then, we, like Jesus himself, become food for the world.
