by Regina Rhodes | Jan 5, 2021 | Exile Blog
Here’s a quotation I came across. It speaks to us as we continue our exile in this most joyous of seasons. The quotation is by Frederick B. Speakman, and I have no idea who he is! But, I like what he says: “Easter is no time for argument. Lilies don’t argue: they bloom. Springtime doesn’t argue: it comes. Music doesn’t argue: it sings. Love doesn’t argue: it outlives our griefs.”
by Regina Rhodes | Jan 3, 2021 | Exile Blog
London is a city rich in history. You can live into a long history of a great nation just by touring around the streets of London: places like Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, the Houses of Parliament, and the, mostly neglected, Cabinet War Rooms which served so vitally during the second World War. Being in London is like traveling in time.
by Regina Rhodes | Jan 2, 2021 | Exile Blog
Another week in exile! For people who are normally busy with good works and occupations, the exile is not normal! We find ourselves immobilized, inert, and certainly bored!! The joy of “unexpected vacation” is certainly hampered by fear and uncertainty. Yet, the certainty of the festival of Easter and the confidence that comes through our faith in an all-loving God helps to ease the burden.
by Regina Rhodes | Jan 1, 2021 | Exile Blog
By the Waters of Babylon….Psalm 137:1 And, so begins one of the most desperate, and hopeful Psalms in the whole collection! The children of Israel had been uprooted from everything they held familiar and taken to a “strange land” (Babylon). As a people in exile, they...
by Regina Rhodes | Apr 5, 2020 | Exile Blog
Today is Palm Sunday of 2020 – a day that is marked by great rejoicing and, inevitably, great sorrow and fear. In this year of 2020, we experience sorrow and fear in our separations and isolations; yet we can rejoice in our spiritual connection through worship, Even...