First Christian Church
Disiples of Christ
Feed My Sheep

Feed My Sheep

Members and friends of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Gulfport prepare and deliver 80 sack lunches to Feed My Sheep the first Sunday of every month. Elders noticed that some of the clients at Feed My Sheep would bring their dogs with them and share their sack lunches with the dogs.

Gulf Coast Community Ministries

Gulf Coast Community Ministries

We have been supporting GCCM for several years with monthly donations to their food pantry, and clothing closet. Each Thanksgiving we support their Thanksgiving Meal bag drive by collecting dozens of meal bags for distribution to families that might not otherwise have a Thanksgiving meal. The Covid-19 pandemic stressed already scarce resources for the homeless in our community.

Micah 6:8 NIV

Micah 6:8 NIV He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly[a] with your God.

Palm Sunday in Exile

Palm Sunday in Exile

Today is Palm Sunday of 2020 – a day that is marked by great rejoicing and, inevitably, great sorrow and fear. In this year of 2020, we experience sorrow and fear in our separations and isolations; yet we can rejoice in our spiritual connection through worship, Even...